A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 25, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- September 25, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Four people die in helicopter crash near major NC wind project

PhD: Massachusetts wind turbine study is junk science

Alert: Integrating the Social Cost of Carbon into NYS Utility Pricing

Societal Benefits of Fossil Fuels

Study: Hidden consequences of intermittent electricity production

Study: Vermont Energy Goal Numbers Don’t Add up

Unwinding Failing Renewables Policies

The EPA Needs to Stick to its Knitting

Global Warming: Who Are The Deniers Now?

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: September 5, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- September 5, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

The True Cost of Solar Electricity

Study: New York’s climate goal—staggering costs, no benefits

A Review of the Regional Green Gas Initiative

Study: Turbines reduce the productivity of surrounding vegetation

Hidden consequences of intermittent electricity production

Integrating the supposed “social cost of carbon” into wholesale power markets

MIT: Researchers Announce Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough

DOE staff releases their Energy Reliability Study

These are my observations on the DOE study

Some other comments are: here, here, here, here and here.…

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: August 14, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- August 14, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Property and Wind Turbines: a Missing Point in the Discussion

The Failure of RGGI

Scientific Critique of Wind Project Bird & Bat Study

Military Officials Explain Concerns with Wind Turbines (w good pix)

NC & NYS Dealing with Military-Wind Energy conflicts

Scientists who question solar are silenced

Green Delusions and the Wind Bully

The Climate Alarmists’ Gross Perversion of the Word “Clean”

Climate Models Over-Estimated Warming

Moving the Goalposts in the Climate Change Debate

Climate Science Comes Up Short

The totalitarianism of the environmentalists

“Science” journals stung again

Al Gore’s Climate Sequel Misses a Few Inconvenient Facts

Simplified Explanations of the Falsified Claims of Human Caused Global Warming

NYT guilty of large screw-up on climate-change story

Expose on Bill McKibben (a key energy and environmental player)

Lindzen: On the ‘Death of Skepticism’ Concerning Climate Hysteria

Not Sea Levels, Again!

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 24, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- July 24, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: July 3, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- July 3, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: June 12, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- June 12, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 22, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- May 22, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: May 1, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- May 1, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: April 10, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- April 10, 2017

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: March 20, 2017

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- March 20, 2017