A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Towards Sound Energy Policy (Part II – Sensible Approaches)

By Kent Hawkins -- January 17, 2013

Part I yesterday addressed the drivers and flawed approaches to current energy policy in many developed Western countries. Part II today describes the rational approaches necessary to best position us to withstand all challenges/threats that face us, both known and unknown.

Time frames are an important consideration in assessing the various elements of sensible and feasible energy policy programs. Here are the periods used in this discussion, which are nominal in nature:

  • Short term (Up to about 10 years) – In this time frame, major radical changes in our energy infrastructures are not advisable and should be avoided, because energy is so intrinsically bound up in everything we do. Ill-advised, extensive tinkering with these is dangerous to our well-being. Best use must be made of reliable and powerful energy sources which are consistent with existing energy infrastructures and uses.

Towards Sound Energy Policy (Part I – Current Flaws)

By Kent Hawkins -- January 16, 2013

For well-being, present and future, including overall governance, health and medical care, financial, economic, human rights, equality, peace, security and liberty, etc.,[1] we have to stop playing political games with energy policy in the developed countries in the West and turn to sound approaches.

In particular, Europe must withdraw from its desperate and destructive attempts at regaining some measure of world ‘leadership’, which it deservedly lost in the 20th century as a result of succumbing to dangerous extremist policies in many areas, including political, social, judicial, economic, military and international matters.

Europe’s “leadership” conceit includes questionable, radical energy policies, particularly in electricity systems, to “de-carbonize” the world with “new” (really ancient) renewables. This futility is wasting resources on a grand scale as is now beginning to be realized (here and here).…

Presidential Debate: Climate Change Cheat Sheet

By Chip Knappenberger -- October 1, 2012

“[T]he climate effect of greenhouse gas emissions from the production from fossil fuels appears to be less than it is being projected by the world’s best climate models. Yet all climate models agree that U.S. actions alone in reducing greenhouse gas impacts will not have practical impact on the climate. Ipso facto, arguments about energy policy should not be grounded in terms of real-world climate change, present or future.”

With the first presidential debate this Wednesday, and since both candidates have made recent high profile references to climate change and its impacts, perhaps this is a good time to review some basic climate change talking points that each candidates should have at his disposal.

Climate During the Obama Administration

• Over the course of the Obama presidency the rate of global warming has declined.…

Hansen’s Temperature Analysis: Today’s Normal is Yesterday’s Extreme–and Nobody Cares

By Chip Knappenberger -- August 23, 2012

Overcoming the Climate: The Case of Malaria

By Chip Knappenberger -- February 23, 2012

Overplaying Heat, Underplaying Adaptation (Part II)

By Chip Knappenberger -- July 12, 2011

Overplaying Heat, Underplaying Adaptation (Part I)

By Chip Knappenberger -- July 11, 2011

The Death Spiral for Climate Alarmism Continues

By Kenneth P. Green -- June 2, 2010

Easy, Cheap ‘Green’ Energy? Just the Reverse!

By Kenneth P. Green -- February 26, 2010

The Beginning of the End for Cap-and-Trade? (BP America, Conoco-Phillips, and Caterpillar bolt) (UPDATED)

By Kenneth P. Green -- February 17, 2010