A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from July 2013

Milton Friedman on the Energy Crisis (and ObamaCare to come)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 31, 2013

July 31st is the birth date of one of the great intellectuals of the freedom philosophy. Milton Friedman (1912–2006) would have been 101 today.

Friedman Legacy Day is being celebrated at 144 events: 90 in 44 states and Washington,D.C., and 54 events in 25 countries abroad. Here in Houston, a “Milton Friedman Rocks” party is tonight.

Friedman was more than a technical economist and early Nobel Laureate in this field; he was a popularizer of the case for free markets. His shorter tracts and biweekly column for Newsweek covered a variety of in-the-news issues, including energy. And he became more libertarian and appreciative of Austrian School economics (market-process economics), the rival to his Chicago School of economics, as time went on.

Friedman’s insight into the distortions from government intervention shortages are timeless.

U.S. EPA’s Hyper Ozone Regulation: Deserved Pushback

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- July 30, 2013

“EPA should not be allowed to fund illegal experiments, hire surrogates to scare and propagandize us, or impose excessive, fraudulent rules that kill jobs and harm human health and welfare. Nor should it have so much fat in its budget that it can waste our money on useless, unethical programs.”

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s neo-Malthusian-inspired ecological battle against the economy centers upon mitigating emissions of the green greenhouse gas: carbon dioxide (CO2). But there is another part to the story: EPA’s rushed, hyper-restrictive standards for ozone.


Under the Clean Air Act, EPA must set standards for ozone and other pollutants – and periodically review existing standards, to determine whether they are adequately protecting public health, or need to be tightened further.

In 1997, the agency reduced the permissible ambient ozone level to 84 parts per billion (equivalent to 8.4 cents out of $1,000,000).

Energy Tax Preferences: Rid Them All (Cato letter to House working group revisited)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 29, 2013

Some might argue that some existing preferences increase energy production and thus, contribute to lower energy prices. Yet many of the preferences at issue have little or no impact on energy production; they simply represent wealth transfers.

Those preferences that do reduce energy production costs simply encourage market actors to produce costly, economically uncompetitive energy. Markets are not made more efficient by producing costly relative to less costly energy.”

Earlier this year, Jerry Taylor and Peter Van Doren of the Cato Institute wrote a tax policy missive to the Energy Tax Reform Working Group of the  House Ways and Means Committee. This committee, chaired by Kevin Brady (R-Texas), is one of eleven such working groups chaired by Dave Camp (R-MI) and Ranking Member Sandy Levin (D-MI).

Taylor and Van Doren espouse cleaning out the tax code to allow a more neutral tax structure to determine the production and consumption of competing energies.

U.S. Energy Policy: New Mindset Needed (‘energy security’ narrative must go)

By Peter Grossman -- July 26, 2013

Frac Bounty: All Should Participate (resource creation for economic revival)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- July 25, 2013

California Energy Policy: Southeastern States Beware

By Lance Brown -- July 24, 2013

Wind Pricing: Not Cheap but Subsidized

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#llinowes">Lisa Linowes</a> -- July 23, 2013

Is the Carbon Tax Seance Over? (A reality check for a trumped-up ‘conservative’ cause)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 22, 2013

Eagle Ford: Texas Shale Star (Resourceship in action: III)

By Fred Lawrence and Ron Planting -- July 19, 2013

Locavorism vs. Resource Efficiency

By Pierre Desrochers -- July 18, 2013