A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

North Carolina Onshore Wind Development: Look Before You Leap (Part II)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#john-droz">John Droz, Jr.</a> -- June 27, 2011

[Editor Note: Part I by Mr. Droz examined North Carolina’s proposed offshore wind power development.]

As a citizen of North Carolina and someone with a modicum of energy knowledge, I am particularly interested in how the state is going to handle the approval process of its first industrial wind project (now about two-third’s along).

My ongoing investigation has involved speaking and/or corresponding with about two dozen key state agency people. Most were cooperative and helpful and readily acknowledged that this was new to them. I was appreciative of the fact that most also expressed an interest in being more involved with wind energy approval; but it always came back to the fact that North Carolina has no law that mandated their participation or spelled out their wind energy assessment responsibility.…