A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from February 2011

Matt Simmons’s Failed ‘Peak Oil’ Price Wager (Julian Simon rides again!)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 14, 2011

[This is the third and final part in a series on peak-oil theorist/neo-Malthusian Matthew Simmons (1943–2010). Part I by Rob Bradley examined the Simmons’s peculiar interpretation of the Club of Rome’s 1972 Limits to Growth. Part II by Michael Lynch reviewed the false arguments behind Simmons’s peak-oil views.]

Matt Simmons was confident past a fault about the coming decline of world oil output–and record oil prices in the face of growing demand. His 2005 book, Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy, announced that production in Saudi Arabia had peaked or was about to. In his words:

Saudi Arabian oil production is at or very near its peak sustainable volume (if it did not, in fact peak almost 25 years ago), and is likely to go into decline in the very foreseeable future.

'Sustainability': Some Free Market Reflections

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#mlewis">Marlo Lewis</a> -- February 11, 2011

A few months ago, I participated in a symposium entitled, “A Sustainable Energy State — How Remote Is the Possibility?” I prepared some talking points for the event and, heeding the injunction to re-use and recycle, turn them here into a MasterResource column.

The following reflections make three main points: (1) A “sustainable” energy system, as that term is commonly used, will likely not materialize in our lifetimes; (2) except for heavily-subsidized wind, solar, and biofuel energy, the current, largely fossil fuel-based energy system is already sustainable; and (3) the “sustainable energy” agenda imperils the improving state of the world and, therefore, is politically unsustainable.

Just around the Corner (Not!)

How “remote” is the “possibility” of a “Sustainable Energy State”? That depends, of course, on the meaning of sustainability. When environmental advocates call wind farms, solar power, or “next generation” biofuels “sustainable,” they imply that energy is sustainable only if it is carbon-neutral or non-emitting.…

The End of a Peak Oil Theorist: Matt Simmons in Retrospect (Part II)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#m_lynch">Michael Lynch</a> -- February 10, 2011

[This is the second part of a series on peak-oil theorist and neo-Malthusian, the late Matthew Simmons (1943–2010). Yesterday, Robert Bradley examined the Simmons’s peculiar interpretation of the Club of Rome’s 1972 Limits to Growth.

Part III will look at Simmons’s failed bet with different parties that the average price of oil in 2010 would be $200 per barrel or higher.]

The death last year of Matthew Simmons, author of Twilight in the Desert and a well-known peak oil advocate, offers an opportunity to review his work and draw a cautionary lesson.


The nature of punditry has changed in the modern age, and for the worst. The original pundits were geographical surveyors in India, mostly natives working for the British, mapping areas where few Europeans dared to go (and from which many failed to return).…

Matthew Simmons's 'Club of Rome' Epiphany (The strange case of an energy investment banker turned energy alarmist)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 9, 2011

Three Questions About Renewable Energy (false choices skew public opinion poll)

By Robert Peltier -- February 8, 2011

A Cherry-Picker’s Guide to Temperature Trends Update: Warming Crisis Not

By Chip Knappenberger -- February 7, 2011

Texas Power Outages: A Preliminary Analysis (Cold snap brings failure–isolated ERCOT an issue)

By Michael Giberson -- February 4, 2011

80% "Clean" Energy by 2035: What Does This Mean?

By Ken Kok -- February 3, 2011

Energy Price-Control Lessons for ObamaCare (remembering a classic WSJ editorial from 1979)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- February 2, 2011

'Gresham's Law of Green Energy' (Jonathan Lesser on bad energy driving out good)

By Eric Lowe -- February 1, 2011