By <a class="post-author" href="/about#w_lusvardi">Wayne Lusvardi</a> -- December 17, 2013
- California Valley Solar Ranch Mothballed Morro Bay Gas-Fired Power Plant
- California Shifting Power Rate Increases from One Set of Customers to Another
- California Cap and Trade Accused of Double Counting Emissions
- Will Warren Buffet’s Hydro Prevent CA Electricity Crisis? Part 1;
- Will Warren Buffet’s Hydro Prevent CA Electricity Crisis? Part 2
- Will California’s Small is Beautiful Sink Water (and Energy) Plan?
Morro Bay Power Plant Mothballed by California Valley Solar Ranch – Trading Fish Larvae Kills for Bird and Insect Kills
“Another giant Dinosaur has gone extinct.
An ugly power plant that looks like one, I think.
For 58 years, it has been unnecessary.
Sucking all the fish out of my Estuary.
It took a bank of people who were not afraid to fight.
We punched it in the nose and sent it off into the night.