A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Harvard Eco-Activist vs. FracFocus: Duping the Media

By John Krohn -- April 26, 2013

new study from researchers at Harvard University alleges that FracFocus “fails as a regulatory compliance tool.” Those of us who are actually familiar with the issues involved in fluid disclosure know that’s not true, but it seems the media saw a narrative too enticing to question: another alleged “failure” regarding hydraulic fracturing.

Here are a few examples:

  • Bloomberg News: “FracFocus Fails as Fracking Disclosure Tool, Study Finds”
  • Associated Press: “Report highlights problems with fracking database”
  • Dallas Morning News: “Fracking disclosure site contains ‘serious deficiencies,’ Harvard study says”
  • Denver Post: “Colorado fracking database questioned by Harvard study”
  • FuelFix/Houston Chronicle: “Harvard report slams fracturing chemical website”
  • E&E News: “FracFocus has ‘serious flaws,’ Harvard study says”

The problem is, most of these stories were essentially press releases describing publication of the study.…