A Free-Market Energy Blog

The Department of Interior (Project 2025)

By Kennedy Maize -- September 6, 2024

The Heritage Foundation’s 922-page Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise (Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project) prominently includes political prescription for various energy and environmental reforms in the U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Interior, and Environmental Protection Agency.

While Donald Trump has tried to distance himself from the document, it is virtually certain that if elected, he would move swiftly to try to implement the blueprint. Many of its authors were his appointees in his administration and likely would lead his government beginning in 2025.

The Heritage project for the Interior Department programs and policies is back to the future. Essentially, the chapter wants to erase the Biden administration’s policies and actions, many of which replaced Trump administration policies.

After describing the roles of the far-reaching agency, the chapter lays out its goal:

Given the dire adverse national impact of Biden’s war on fossil fuels, no other initiative is as important for the DOI under a conservative President than the restoration of the department’s historic role managing the nation’s vast storehouse of hydrocarbons, much of which is yet to be discovered.

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Freedom in Alaska: A Report Card

By -- September 5, 2024

Ed. note: The author, who has long chronicled the slippage of free market energy policies in Alaska, offers a holistic look at the problem in her state with this voting scorecard. She identifies one principled politician pointing the way for positive reform, Rep. David Eastman.

As we head into the general election, voting guides can be critical for those who would like to make an informed decision.  This scoring matrix came to light.  This is a look back in time on how representatives voted on certain bills.  According to the website, “The Freedom Index rates members of congress based on their adherence to constitutional principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, national sovereignty, and a traditional foreign policy of avoiding foreign entanglements.”  Put simply, an analysis of their legislative actions.…

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Degrowth: The Final Solution

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 4, 2024

“Degrowth is about government authoritarianism overriding the natural human impulse to improve. Marcus Feldthus of the Copenhagen Business School needs to reeducate himself about ends and means to at least be able to inform his students about the happy side of life and living.”

No-growth (stagnation) is bad enough. In business, every promotion must be balanced by a demotion or retirement. For one person to buy more, another person must buy less. Charity not, the zero sum game is a recipe for low morale and infighting, just of the opposite of charity through abundance.

Take another step backward to a negative sum game. More losers than winners. The survival of the fittest. Glum is the word as rising expectations is replaced by despair.

Less is not more but less. Less convenience, less leisure, less security, and less philanthropy toward others.…

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Energy & Environmental Review: September 3, 2024

By -- September 3, 2024
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Labor Saving Day: Thank Free Market Energy

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 31, 2024
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Creative Destruction: Fossil Fuels Triumphant

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 29, 2024
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Energy ‘Transition’: It’s a Federal Bribe (versus consumer demand)

By -- August 28, 2024
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Jane Goodall on the Futile Climate Crusade

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 27, 2024
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Gasoline Prices: California Investigates Itself

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 26, 2024
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Guice to California Dept. of Conservation: End Virtue Signaling, Liberate Oil and Gas

By Rod Guice -- August 23, 2024
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