Arctic Grift: Alaska Energy Policy Goes Biden

By -- October 30, 2023 No Comments

“Why is a conservative pro-development governor pushing for policies that are counterproductive to natural resource development?”

“The Alaska Energy Security Task Force report does not mention maximizing the use of the abundant energy sources we have in our state today, such as coal, in-state refining, or the incentivization of production in the Cook Inlet where, according to the USGS, we are not in a natural gas shortage situation.”

Alaska grift is reaching new levels to comport with the Inflation Reduction Act (aka Green New Deal). Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, all-in with Green Globalism, has appointed a energy security task force of cronies who lack real experience in or affinity with the state’s oil and gas sector. Instead of inciting investment in Alaska’s prolific resource base, Biden’s obstruction and subsidy bribery will risk making the state a federal enclave, with its top import being federal dollars.…

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Energy and Environmental Review: October 23, 2023

By -- October 23, 2023 No Comments

Ed. Note: This post excerpts energy and climate material from the Media Balance Newsletter, a free fortnighly published by physicist John Droz Jr., founder of the Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions. The complete Newsletter for this post can be found here.

Unreliables (General):
*** Michael Bloomberg’s $1 Billion Assault on The Electric Grid
Solar, wind developers rebuffed in NY
The myth of affordable green energy is over

Wind Energy — Offshore:
Offshore Wind is an Economic and Environmental Catastrophe
How’s That Offshore Project Going, Man
NY delivers crippling blow to green energy development, jeopardizing Biden’s climate goals
Biden admin hit with lawsuit over offshore wind plans as locals rise up

Wind Energy — Other:
*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Solar Energy:
‘Europe isn’t profitable’ – Solar industry warns of hurdles to EU’s green tech drive

Fossil Fuel Energy:
*** The Nations that Dominate the Global Economy
*** AAF on US Drained Petroleum Reserve
*** Drill, Baby, Drill
*** EIA: Global fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions to rise through 2050 
Imagine No Jets, Ships, Defense, or Space Program

Electric Vehicles (EVs):
*** China’s graphite curbs send green warning shot
*** EV Battery Factory Will Require So Much Energy It Needs a Coal Plant to Power It
Electric cars risk becoming uninsurable

Miscellaneous Energy:
*** Powering The Unplugged
*** How the Inflation Reduction Act Bankrolls EPA Overreach
The heat-pump nightmare is far from over
Green Hydrogen Needs Vast Subsidies 
Critics Assail Biden’s ‘War on American Energy’ on National Energy Appreciation Day 

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:
*** No Way, Norway
Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over
How Groupthink, Misinformation, and Lack of Self-Correction Undermined Climate Science
Is New York Times Senior Writer David Leonhardt Lying, Lazy, or Just Stupid?

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Green Hydrogen Needs Vast Subsidies

By Steve Goreham -- October 19, 2023 5 Comments

“Hydrogen from electrolysis, called green hydrogen, typically costs more than $5 per kilogram, or more than five times the price when produced from natural gas.”

“The U.S. Inflation Reduction Act offers an astounding subsidy of $3 to produce a kilogram of green hydrogen, three times the market price. Imagine a subsidy of $150,000 to purchase a $50,000 electric car or a subsidy of $12 to produce a $4 gallon of gasoline. There appears to be no end to the cash governments will pay to try to establish a hydrogen economy.”

World leaders tout “green hydrogen” as an essential fuel in the renewable energy transition. Today, heavy industries use huge amounts of coal and natural gas to produce products needed by society. Governments propose to replace hydrocarbon fuels with hydrogen fuel, using hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies.…

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Update: DOE Appliance Minimum Efficiency Standards

By -- September 19, 2023 3 Comments

“It started with gas cooking.  It will end with getting gas out of homes and business entirely, If they can. Basically, what we’re witnessing is the energy equivalent of ethnic cleansing. I’ve been saying this for years but now it should be obvious.”

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under the Biden Administration has significantly accelerated the pace of minimum appliance efficiency rulemaking. With this acceleration, there has been a marked decrease in DOE’s analytical quality and transparency. The purpose of this update is to summarize:

  1. Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Conventional Cooking Products
  2. Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Products; Boilers
  3. Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Water Heaters

Note: In DOE-speak, the term ‘consumer’ means non commercial/industrial, or just residential.

Part 1: Consumer Cooking Products

On April 27, 2023, MasterResource published DOE vs.

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Save Our Cars! (Grassroots pushback against mandated EVs)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- September 15, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

A 10 Percent ‘Community Solar’ Discount? Think Again!

By Joseph Toomey -- May 9, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Electricity Statism and Misdirection: Introducing Doug Lewin’s “Texas Energy and Power Newsletter” (well-funded propaganda)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 5, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

DOE vs. Gas Cooking: A Review of Critical Comments

By -- April 27, 2023 1 Comment Continue Reading

Energy and Environmental Review: April 24, 2023

By -- April 24, 2023 No Comments Continue Reading

Addressing Wind/Solar Instability: Hardwiring the Grid

By Ed Ireland -- April 17, 2023 6 Comments Continue Reading