A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Climate Statism: Science, Poverty, Free Speech at Issue

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- August 4, 2015

“Over the past three decades, fossil fuels helped 1.3 billion people get electricity and escape debilitating energy poverty – over 830 million because of coal. However, 1.3 billion people (the population of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe combined) still do not have electricity…. That is why climate change is a critical moral issue.

Scientists who question the supposed “consensus” on climate change are routinely labeled “skeptics” or even “deniers,” in a not-so-subtle reference to Holocaust denial. It is an absurd charge.

All of us agree that climate change has been “real” since Earth and human history began. It is ongoing, periodically significant, sometimes sudden, sometimes destructive – and thus far always unpredictable.

Real Issues

What we do not accept is the notion of “dangerous manmade climate change,” driven solely or primarily by carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases … emitted as a result of using fossil fuels that have brought countless wondrous improvements to our human condition.

Perverse Environmental Justice (Part II)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- June 11, 2015

“The real ‘criminals’ are those who use climate fear-mongering to justify fraudulent science and policies that kill, by denying people access to life-saving fossil fuels.”

Contrary to global warming hype, cold weather kills 20 times as many people as hot weather, according to a study that analyzed 74 million deaths in 384 locations across 13 countries. And contrary to climate models and predictions, recent winters have been long and cold – a far cry from climate alarmist claims that snow and skiing would soon be a thing of the past.

In Britain, many pensioners now ride buses or sit in libraries all day during the winter to stay warm, while others burn used books in stoves, as they are cheaper than coal or wood. Thousands die of hypothermia each winter, because they can no longer afford to heat their homes properly, due to soaring electricity costs under Britain’s climate and renewable energy policies.…

Perverse Environmental Justice (Part I)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- June 10, 2015

“Climate-change prevention schemes threaten human welfare and promote environmental injustice. Thus it is imperative that the case of manmade greenhouse-gas prevention be based on science and not pseudo-science.”

Climate change has been “real” throughout Earth and human history. Thankfully, modern housing, energy and other technologies help us cope with climate and weather events much better than ever before.

With biotechnology we could even handle another Little Ice Age, despite the shorter growing seasons and reduced arable land that would result – unless anti-technology activists erect more obstacles to this, too. About the only thing that would really give us trouble is another Pleistocene ice age that buries lands and cities under mile-thick glaciers, and sends global temperatures and plant growth plummeting.

For 18 years though, contrary to computer models and White House proclamations, average planetary temperatures have barely budged, even as carbon dioxide levels “soared” from 0.03 percent of Earth’s atmosphere to 0.04 percent.…

The Climate Empire Gets Nasty (‘crony science’ for funding, power)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- March 12, 2015

Fighting Executive Fiat on Climate

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- June 17, 2014

California Energy Policy: Elitist, Import-dependent, and a Tax on the Rest of Us

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- May 1, 2014

Federal Oil Lands Lockdown: Disingenuous Obama at Work

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- January 24, 2014

Back at Ya, IPCC: ‘Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science’ (Part II)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- September 24, 2013

Climate Desperadoes: The Real ‘Deniers’ (Part I)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- September 23, 2013

Carbon Dioxide: The Green Greenhouse Gas of Life (and ‘miracle molecule’)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#p_dreissen">Paul Driessen</a> -- August 13, 2013