A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Questioning “The Secret Dirty War to Stop Solar Power”

By James Rust -- June 23, 2016

“American taxpayers spent an average of $39 billion a year over the past five years financing grants, subsidizing tax credits, guaranteeing loans, bailing out failed solar energy boondoggles and otherwise underwriting every idea under the sun to make solar energy cheaper and more popular. But none of it has worked.”

In the United States, by mid-2016, the Big Three politically correct renewable energy sources wind power surpassed 75 Gigawatts, solar power surpassed 27 Gigawatts, and biofuels surpassed 16 billion gallons per year (mostly ethanol from corn).

In the article “Obama Legacy Will Be Power Blackouts” June 6, 2016, Professor Larry Bell wrote:

If you have heard some really exciting news that the Obama administration has already doubled the amount of total U.S. energy derived from ‘renewable alternative’ sources (solar, wind and biofuels), that would be true.

High Temperatures: Temper Alarmism (El Nino … La Nina)

By James Rust -- April 5, 2016

“By the end of February, the 2015/16 El Nino subsurface temperature had not turned negative; however, the lowered March temperature suggests this has taken place. The direction of this Super El Nino is similar to the one of 1997/98 and there is great chance of considerable global cooling by the end of the year.”

The media is spreading catastrophic global warming news from satellite temperature data ending February 2016.  On March 3, 2016, the University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) posted the February 2016 global temperature of 0.83 degrees C. surpassed the previous record of 0.74 degrees C. for April 1998.  These temperatures are the difference from the 30-year average from 1981 to 2010.  This is a data set from 1979 until present when satellite temperature measurements were first made.

Associated Press writer Seth Borenstein wrote March 17, 2016 ”Freakishly hot February obliterates global weather records”. …

Obama Strong Arms on Climate

By James Rust -- November 5, 2015

On October 5, 2009, President Obama issued an executive order, FEDERAL LEADERSHIP IN ENVIRONMENTAL, ENERGY, AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE, that sneak-previewed policies toward reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the rest of his time in office.  The 15-page executive order, divided into 20 sections, provided strict guidance for all agencies in the executive branch and their interactions with outside organizations.  Portions of the executive order follows: 


Office of the Press Secretary

For Immediate Release October 5, 2009


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to establish an integrated strategy towards sustainability in the Federal Government and to make reduction of greenhouse gas emissions a priority for Federal agencies, it is hereby ordered as follows:  


GOP Candidates: Time to Defuse Climate Alarmism

By James Rust -- September 16, 2015

Obama’s Climate Alarmism Tour (contradictory data + tuned-out public = failure)

By James Rust -- September 8, 2015

Pope Francis on Climate Change: An Encyclical Failure

By James Rust -- June 23, 2015

Solar: Government, Business Waste (four GA case studies)

By James Rust -- March 23, 2015

Barack Goes Berserk on Climate ‘Deniers’ (gold stars for fed alarmists?)

By James Rust -- March 13, 2015

Stifling Climate Research & Opinion: Another Desparado Mistake

By James Rust -- March 5, 2015

NOAA & NASA-GISS: Helping the Warming Narrative

By James Rust -- February 20, 2015