A Free-Market Energy Blog


Posts from December 0

Gov. Jerry Brown: Remember John Husing (debate over the moral high ground)

By <a class="post-author" href="/about#w_lusvardi">Wayne Lusvardi</a> -- March 25, 2015

“[T]he buildup of carbon coming from coal and petroleum and other sources … is going to create these droughts and much, much worse. And that’s why to have the leader of the Senate, Mr. McConnell, representing his coal constituents, … risk, the health and well being of America, is a disgrace.… President Obama is taking some important steps. And to fight that, it borders on immoral.”

– California Gov. Jerry Brown, Meet The Press, March 22, 2015.

“The inter-state political war against global warming is over wealth effects, not health effects. As John Husing summed up the inversion of morality in such public policies:’Bluntly, it does our region little good if we create a pristine environment but let people increasingly die of the diseases and behaviors fostered by poverty’.”

John Husing, PhD, economist, “Public Health, Socio-Economics, and Logistics” (October 2013)

Recently, on the Sunday morning weekly TV news-interview program Meet The Press, the Democratic Party called upon Governor Jerry Brown of California to snuff out a groundswell of opposition in the U.S.…