Search Results for: "Paul Krugman"
Relevance | Date“Peak Oil Has Arrived:” Paul Krugman on Mineral Scarcity (2010 prediction from Dr. Errant)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 22, 2014 4 Comments“What the commodity markets are telling us is that we’re living in a finite world, in which the rapid growth of emerging economies is placing pressure on limited supplies of raw materials, pushing up their prices…. [P]eak oil has arrived.”
“[R]esource constraints are becoming increasingly binding. This won’t bring an end to economic growth [but] … will require that we gradually change the way we live, adapting our economy and our lifestyles to the reality of more expensive resources.”
– Paul Krugman, “A Finite World,” New York Times, December 26, 2010.
Finiteness … fixity … depletion … rising cost … rising price.
The Hotelling Principle … The Limits to Growth … Jimmy Carter and James Schlesinger … Paul Ehrlich and John Holdren …
And a role for peak government to manage peaked commodities.…
Continue ReadingTrump + Climate = Krugman Going Crazy
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- December 17, 2019 3 Comments“Do you remember the days when Bush administration officials claimed that terrorism posed an ‘existential threat’ to America, a threat in whose face normal rules no longer applied? That was hyperbole — but the existential threat from climate change is all too real…. And as I watched the deniers make their arguments [against Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade], I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet.” (Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2009)
“Republican climate denial is even scarier than Trumpism.” (Paul Krugman, New York Times, 2019)
A full decade apart, Paul Krugman is all-in with climate hyperbole and angst. Joe Romm might have thrown in the towel at Climate Progress, but Krugman is flaming in the New York Times.
Talk about riding the wrong horse.…
Continue ReadingKrugman’s Paranoia on a Lack of Climate Paranoia
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- August 27, 2018 3 Comments“Climate denial is a deeply cynical enterprise; the people misrepresenting evidence and sifting through emails for ‘gotcha’ quotes have to know that they’re not being honest. Yet their rage against ‘elitists’ who continue to point out inconvenient truths is very real — because it’s a fact of life that many people feel special hatred for those they’ve mistreated.”
– Paul Krugman, “The G.O.P.’s Climate of Paranoia.” New York Times, August 20, 2018.
In his recent “The G.O.P.’s Climate of Paranoia,” Paul Krugman invokes sound bites and invective on the subject of climate science and climate policy. The New York Times columnist is all-in regarding climate alarmism and forced (government) energy transformation. He knows he is right and just fusses at the rest of us.
Krugman’s statements are in red; my response is indented in black.…
Continue ReadingEnergy Realism at RFF (Krugman rebutted, decarbonization drawbacks specified)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 7, 2018 1 Comment” … there are still numerous economic and societal barriers to rapid decarbonization.”
“And it is not like wind and solar come free of environmental concerns. The sheer size of wind and solar installations needed to underpin our electricity system is significant.”
“… lower income households will bear the largest relative burdens of the higher energy costs that are likely as a result of climate policies. While there are ways of mitigating these unequal impacts, they require difficult trade-offs.”
– Daniel Raimi and Alan Krupnick, “Decarbonization: It Ain’t That Easy, RFF Blog Post, April 20, 2018.
A recent blog post by Daniel Raimi and Alan Krupnick of Resources for the Future (RFF) is unusual, even remarkable, given the institutional history of their organization. For RFF in recent decades has gone Left, way Left, for the cause of climate alarmism/forced energy transformation (see here). …
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