A Free-Market Energy Blog

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! (Motoring to summer 2024)

By Robert Bradley Jr. -- May 24, 2024

Get happy. Summer beckons. Not only bike and hike but also drive to a better environment–your self-selected environment. And once there, grill, baby, grill.


The automobile is environmentalism-on-wheels. The open road is freedom to escape the concrete for the great beyond. Mountains, rivers, hills, forests, even beautiful green golf courses–it is all a drive away. 

The old Marathon ads said it best …a full tank of freedom. And Shell: “Let’s Go!” And Exxon: “Happy Motoring!”

Don’t worry about the anti-travel crowd who fret about emissions of the trace greening gas, carbon dioxide. Forget the spin and go for a spin!


Each year, MasterResource celebrates the beginning of the peak-driving season knowing that our free-market philosophy is about energy abundance and affordability and reliability. There is so little to apologize for. When is the last time you got a bad tank of gasoline or diesel, anyway?

Oil, gas, and coal have been and continue to be technologically transformed into super-clean energy resources. Carbon-based energies are growing more abundant, not less. And energy/climate alarmism is losing steam on all fronts (except the shouting).

The real energy sustainability problem is statism, not free consumer choice. As Matt Ridley concluded: “There is little doubt that the damage being done by climate-change policies currently exceeds the damage being done by climate change.” As Alex Epstein is telling each one of us to tell our neighbors: I Love Fossil Fuels. And now, Fossil Future. So celebrate!

Energy is the master resource. Motorized transportation is freedom-of-movement. So, like that old Shell commercial said, Let’s Go!

The Open Road
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America's Fascination with 'The Open Road' - WSJ
Avis Self Drive Freedom of the open road. - Avis Blog
Roads trip tips - Driving fun - Your driving skills - GEARED
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Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend of Freedom

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