A Free-Market Energy Blog

Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 2, 2017

By -- January 2, 2017

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions (AWED) is an informal coalition of individuals and organizations interested in improving national, state, and local energy and environmental policies. Our premise is that technical matters like these should be addressed by using Real Science (please consult WiseEnergy.org for more information).

A key element of AWED’s efforts is public education. Towards that end, every three weeks we put together a newsletter to balance what is found in the mainstream media about energy and the environment. We appreciate MasterResource for their assistance in publishing this information.

Some of the more important articles in this issue are:

Irish High Court Finds Wind Turbine Maker Liable for Noise Nuisance – Seven Irish Families to Get Millions in Punitive Damages

Outstanding podcast on Energy and Climate Change

Excellent Study: Energy Deregulation

Per Capita Energy Productivity for Primary Sources of Electrical Energy

China Closer to Harnessing Clean, Limitless Energy from Nuclear Fusion

Trump Has Better Ideas on Energy

Cutting the Crap at DOE (See new Newsletter section on Trump & Energy)

Sweden Denies Permit for World’s Largest Wind Project, Due to its Military Interference

Obsolete Calculations of Cost of Carbon

The Social Cost of Carbon

Southern Baptist leaders defend Trump’s pick to lead EPA (See new Newsletter section on Trump & AGW)

100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering

New Study Casts Doubt on Key Climate Change Predicting Metric

97% Consequential Misperceptions: Ethics of Consensus on Global Warming

Biggest Fake News Story: Global Warming and Phony Consensus

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold


Greed Energy Economics:

The Social Cost of Carbon

Per Capita Energy Productivity for Primary Sources of Electrical Energy

Energy Subsidies

The $3.5 Trillion Fracking Economy Is About To Get A Lot Bigger

More IRS Wind Energy Shenanigans


Turbine Health Matters:

Irish High Court Finds Wind Turbine Maker Liable for Noise Nuisance – 7 Irish Families to Get Millions in Punitive Damages

Ontario Wind Turbine Health Study Begins

EPA’s Study of Hydraulic Fracturing and Its Potential Impact on Drinking Water Resources


Renewable Energy Destroying Ecosystems:

The Environmental Toll of a Netflix Binge

Final US wind-turbine rule permits thousands of eagle deaths

EPA Finds No Widespread Water Pollution From Fracking

Fracking-Contaminated Groundwater: The Myth that Failed

UK Court Gives Fracking Green Light


Miscellaneous Energy News:

Outstanding podcast on Energy and Climate Change

Excellent Study: Energy Deregulation

China closer to harnessing clean, limitless energy from nuclear fusion

Sweden denies permit for world’s largest wind project, as it would interfere with its military

Wind turbines hinder military readiness, Texas state lawmaker argues

Look at Reviving a Discounted Source of Energy

Three worthwhile SMR presentations

UK Electricity Part 3: Wind and Solar

Why Big Mining Loves Big Green

NYS Cuts 2017 Renewable Energy Targets by 94%

NY County Passes Broad Resolution Against Wind Turbines


Trump and Energy:

Trump Has Better Ideas on Energy

Cutting the Crap at DOE

Trump Signals Push for American Energy Boom

Trump Opens The Door To U.S. Energy Independence

Trump should end Renewable Fuel Standard

Perry is picked to head DOE. (He has been a wind supporter.)

Trump Selects Perry, a Critic of Federal Bureaucracy, for Energy Secretary

Radical Climate Agenda Lost the Election for Democrats. Now, They’re Doubling Down

Early View of US Energy Policy Under Trump Administration


Manmade Global Warming Articles:

Obsolete Calculations of Cost of Carbon

Experts Debunk Obama’s “Social Cost of Carbon” Calculation

100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering

New Study Casts Doubt on Key Climate Change Predicting Metric

97% Consequential Misperceptions: Ethics of Consensus on Global Warming

Biggest Fake News Story: Global Warming and Phony Consensus

Met Office confirms that world average temperatures have plummeted

Billionaires Assuage Their Guilt by Investing in Climate Change

AGW article by Canadian politician (Excellent)

Congress: Obama Admin Fired Top Scientist to Advance Climate Change Plans

Proof that a new ice age has already started is stronger than ever

Narrative Style is More Important than Content in Climate Change Studies

Short Video: A Discussion About Climate Intimidation

A US Judicial Assault on the First Amendment

Scott Adams: The Climate Science Challenge

500 Years of Coastal Morphology and Sea-Level Changes in Goa, India


Trump and Global Warming:

Southern Baptist leaders defend Trump’s pick to lead EPA

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold

Krauthammer: Bonfire of the Agencies

How Climate Rules Might Fade Away

Trump Should Adopt These Climate-Related Reforms

Fake News – Climate Scientists “Save” Data from Donald Trump

Five ways Trump could unwind Obama’s environmental policies

A Reply to the Concerned National Academy of Sciences Members

Dear President-elect Trump: Don’t Listen to Ben Santer


See Prior AWED Newsletters

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