A Free-Market Energy Blog

Moralizing Twaddle: James Hansen’s Vision of Presidential Greatness

By -- April 15, 2010

Last week in the Huffington Post, climatologist Dr. James Hansen made an impassioned plea to President Obama to ditch cap-and-trade and instead advocate a plan to tax carbon-based fuels with 100% of the revenues returned to households. This was not the first time. Hansen made the same pitch back in December 2008 in a letter to President-elect Obama. President Obama did not heed Hansen’s advice, keeping his wagon hitched to cap-and-trade, the policy darling of Big Green, U.S. CAP, and congressional leaders. But with cap-and-trade bogged down on Capitol Hill, Hansen argues, his plan gives Obama “a second chance on the predominant moral issue of this century.”

Hansen made the case for “tax-and-dividend” in testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee on February 25, 2009. I commented on Hansen’s testimony a week later on MasterResource. Substantively, there’s nothing new in Hansen’s Huff Post column, but rhetorically there is one modification. He now calls his proposal a “fee” rather than a tax. Despite Hansen’s earlier criticism of cap-and-trade as a hidden and thus dishonest tax, and his call for a “transparent” approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, he now avoids the “T” word as assiduously as any shifty cap-and-trader.

Today’s column offers a running commentary on Hansen’s Huff Post piece. Hansen’s statements are indented. My comments are in bold type:

“President Obama, finally, took a get-involved get-tough approach to negotiations on health care legislation and the arms control treaty with Russia — with success. Could this be the turn-around for what might still be a great presidency?”

Hansen favors Obamacare and an arms control agreement obtained by eschewing both missile defense and nuclear force modernization. Hansen unwittingly reveals himself to be a liberal Democrat. That does not discredit his argument, of course, but it should make us skeptical when he presents himself as a non-political Mr. Science.

“The predominant moral issue of the 21st century, almost surely, will be climate change, comparable to Nazism faced by Churchill in the 20th century and slavery faced by Lincoln in the 19th century. Our fossil fuel addiction, if unabated, threatens our children and grandchildren, and most species on the planet.”

This is erroneous on several levels.

(1) Why is climate change the “predominant moral issue” of the 21st century? Climate change is responsible for far fewer deaths than a host of other threats to global welfare (hunger, malnutrition, lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation, indoor air pollution, infectious diseases, barriers to trade, non-accountable systems of governance), if indeed it is responsible for any detectable mortality, and is the least amenable global challenge to cost-effective solutions

For all his scientific training, Hansen misses the obvious: Poverty remains the number one cause of preventable illness and premature death in the world.  Hansen calls coal-fired power plants “factories of death,” but developing countries, notably China and India, absolutely depend on coal-based power to lift their peoples out of poverty. The climate crusade seeks to put an energy-starved world on an energy diet. Hansen’s got it backwards: The “predominant moral issue” of our time is resisting the global warming movement!

(2) Hansen falsely lays claim to the moral legacies of Lincoln and Churchill. In the 19th century, nations would not have turned as quickly or as resolutely against slavery if machines powered by fossil fuels had not progressively replaced human muscles in industrial and agricultural work. Bjorn Lomborg offered this sobering analysis in The Skeptical Environmentalist (pp. 118-119): “If we think for a moment of the energy we use in terms of ‘servants,’ each with the same work power as a human being, each person in Western Europe has access to 150 servants, in the US about 300, and even in India each person has 15 servants to help along. It is indeed unpleasant to imagine what it would be like to live without these  helpers.”

In the 20th century, access to abundant, affordable fossil fuels helped make America the “arsenal of democracy” and, thus, the Nemesis of both Nazism and Soviet communism. An America powered by wind turbines, solar panels, and biofuels would have had a much smaller GDP and could not have won either World War II or the Cold War.

In short, our attitude towards the fossil-energy era should be one of gratitude. Hansen exhibits not a trace of it.

(3) A final point: Americans today are no more addicted to oil than their forefathers were to horse fodder. We value auto-mobility because it is intrinsic to our nature as auto-nomous (self-governing, self-directing) beings. We depend on petroleum for auto-mobility at the current stage of economic and technological development. As soon as markets develop motor fuels that outperform gasoline in terms of cost, safety, portability, and energy density, we will abandon oil as rapidly as previous generations abandoned horses and hay. When Hansen calls our dependence on fossil energy an “addiction,” he speaks as an ideologue, not as a scientist.

“Yet the president, addressing climate in the State of the Union, was at his good-guy worst, leading with “I know that there are those who disagree…” with the scientific evidence. This weak entrée, almost legitimizing denialists, was predictably greeted by cheers and hoots from well-oiled coal-fired Congressmen. The president was embarrassed and his supporters cringed.”

Many scientists reject the Gorethodox view that global warming is a planetary emergency threatening the survival of civilization and the habitability of the Earth. Hansen’s refusal to acknowledge legitimate disagreement on such core issues as climate sensitivitypaleoclimate reconstructions, surface temperature records, and climate change impacts is itself a form of denialism.

“This is not the 17th century, when “beliefs” trumped science, forcing Galileo to recant his understanding of the solar system. The president should unequivocally support the climate science community, which is under politically orchestrated assault on the legitimacy of its scientific assessments. If he needs reassurance or cover, the president can ask for a prompt report from the National Academy of Sciences, established by Abraham Lincoln for advice on technical issues.”

Again, several critical observations are in order.

(1) Hansen pretends that his interpretation of climate science is as evident and ‘settled’ as the helio-centric nature of our solar system. Like Al Gore, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and many others, Hansen invokes the Authority of Science to stifle debate, deligitimize opponents, expand the power of the state, and direct its use. As Prof. Angelo Codevilla warns, when science becomes a rhetorical trump card, those who claim to speak for science — the EPA, for example — get to decide public policy. Self-government is replaced by “the rule of the few, by their own authority, over the many.”

(2) Hansen writes as if the Climategate scandal never happened. The “climate science community” is in crisis not because of “political orchestration” by “coal- and oil-fired Congressmen” but because top scientists colluded to bias the peer reviewed literature, massage data to advance a party line, and violate freedom of information laws.

(3) The notion that the IPCC and the U.S. climate researchers who receive billions annually in government support are persecuted dissenters rather than a feted and pampered establishment doesn’t pass the laugh test. It’s twaddle on the order of Hansen’s claim that the Bush administration muzzled him even though he gave more than 1,400 interviews on Bush’s watch.

(4) Hansen wants the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to ‘settle’ the debate over climate science. No surprise there. Hansen is a member of the Academy, and the NAS is plagued with cronyism. As Science magazine reported last year (September 19, 2009), Academy members get to line up referees before submitting papers to the organization’s flagship publication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Only a few percent of such papers are rejected, whereas 80% of papers submitted by outsiders are rejected. Comfortably ensconced in the club, Hansen proposes that the club tell Congress what to think. It would be hard to find a more egregious example of the elitism against which Codevilla warns.

“Why face the difficult truth presented by the climate science? Why not use the president’s tack: just talk about the need for clean energy and energy independence? Because that approach leads to wrong policies, ineffectual legislation larded with giveaways to special interests, such as the Waxman-Markey bill in the House and the bills being considered now in the Senate.”

Waxman-Markey is “ineffectual legislation larded with giveaways to special interests.” He’ll get no quarrel from me on that point.

“The fundamental requirement for solving our fossil fuel addiction and moving to a clean energy future is a rising price on carbon emissions. Otherwise, if we refuse to make fossil fuels pay for their damage to human health, the environment, and our children’s future, fossil fuels will remain the cheapest energy and we will squeeze every drop from tar sands, oil shale, pristine lands, and offshore areas.”

Hansen assumes that he knows the ‘social cost’ of carbon and can price it accordingly, so that fossil fuels “pay for their damage to human health, the environment, and our children’s future.” Yet if fossil fuels are so horrible that making them pay their  social cost would make them uneconomical, how come human and ecological welfare keeps improving?

As Indur Goklany observes, during the modern warm period, “agricultural productivity has increased; hunger has declined; deaths from hunger, extreme weather events, malaria and other vector-borne disease have dropped; and people are living longer and healthier.” He continues: “Regarding environmental well-being, the Amazon and the Sahel are becoming greener, as is most of the world.” He adds: “Ironically, much of this improvement in human and environmental well-being has been enabled, directly or indirectly, by technologies dependent on fossil fuels or economic surpluses generated by the use of fossil fuels and other GHG-generating activities.”

“An essential corollary to the rising carbon price is 100 percent redistribution of collected fees to the public — otherwise the public will never allow the fee to be high enough to affect lifestyles and energy choices. The fee must be collected from fossil fuel companies across-the-board at the mine, wellhead, or port of entry. Revenues should be divided equally among all legal adult residents, with half-shares for children up to two per family, distributed monthly as a “green check”. Part of the revenue could be used to reduce taxes, provided the tax reduction is transparent and verifiable.”

Hansen said it better in his congressional testimony. Cap-and-trade, he argued there, is politically unsustainable. The public will soon learn it is a tax. They’ll see people on Wall Street making millions at their expense. And because they’ll bear all the cost and reap no dividend, “the public will revolt before the cap tax is large enough to transform society.” That’s correct, and it’s because many citizens already understand that cap-and-trade is a hidden tax on energy for the benefit of special interests that Waxman-Markey cannot pass in the Senate.

But Hansen overlooks the other side of political reality. Without the support of directly-affected industries, a climate bill won’t fly either. And they won’t give their support unless Congress buys them off. To enact a regime of steadily increasing carbon prices, Congress must satisfy two main constituencies — taxpayers (consumers) and corporate rent-seekers. If the bill enriches rent seekers, it will alienate taxpayers. But if it does not transfer wealth to energy-rationing profiteers, it will alienate Wall Street and U.S. CAP. Maybe it’s not impossible to build and sustain a political consensus for pricing carbon at $115 per ton by 2020 (see below), but it’s more difficult than Hansen seems to suppose.

“The rising carbon price will affect almost everything. People’s purchases will reflect a desire to minimize their costs. Food from nearby farms will benefit; imports from halfway around the world will decline. Renewable energies, other carbon-free energies, and energy efficiency will grow; fossil fuels will decline.”

“Imports from halfway around the world will decline.” Those imports include products from developing countries that depend on export-oriented production to eradicate poverty. For example, the European Environment Agency calculates that the carbon footprint of grapes imported from Chile to Austria is 842 times larger than than that of locally-grown Austrian grapes. A carbon tax big enough to discourage Europeans from buying Chilean grapes would also be big enough to destroy Chilean jobs. Such a scheme might be “green,” but it would not be fair and would impose its own ‘social cost.’

“The fee-and-green-check approach is transparent, fair and effective. Congressman John Larson defined an appropriate rising fee. $15 per ton of carbon dioxide the first year and $10 more per ton each year. Economic modeling shows that carbon emissions would decline 30 percent by 2020. The annual dividend then would be $2000-3000 per legal adult resident, $6000-9000 per family with two or more children.

About sixty percent of the public would receive more in the green check than they pay in added energy costs. People will set their net cost or gain via their energy and other consumer choices. Dividends could be adjusted state-by-state to prevent transfer of wealth from one part of the country to another.”

Hansen writes as if we all live in Lake Woebegone where every child is above average and every household can be among the 60% that receives more in dividends than they pay in higher energy costs. But, as noted in my earlier post on Hansen’s testimony, fee-and-green-check confers windfall profits on some and inflicts windfall losses on others simply by reason of the nature of their jobs or industries. For example, if you’re an independent trucker, you consume far more motor fuel than the average household. Yet your share of the carbon tax revenues would be the average (per capita) share. Hansen’s scheme would transfer wealth from you to your neighbor with a white-collar job, not because you waste gasoline but because you haul freight for a living.

“Religions across the spectrum — Catholics, Jews, Mainline Protestants, Eastern Orthodox, and Evangelicals — are united in seeing climate change as a moral and ethical challenge. The Religious Coalition on Creation Care is working with the Citizen’s Climate Lobby, the Price Carbon Campaign, and economists at the Carbon Tax Center to help promote this honest and effective energy and climate policy. The public, if well-informed, can be expected to support this policy.”

Religions across the spectrum also are united in seeing global poverty and world hunger as moral and ethical challenges. Hansen — and the Religious Left — should be candid enough to admit that climate policies, by restricting access to fossil fuels, have a high potential to impede development. It is either naive or disingenuous to preach “Creation Care” as a categorical imperative — an obligation that sweeps aside all other ethical and prudential considerations. Crusading greens helped persuade many nations to ban or stop using the insecticide DDT even to control mosquitos and save lives. As a consequence, malaria has killed millions of people in developing countries who might otherwise have avoided the disease. Holier-than-thou is seldom a sound basis for moral judgment or political action.

“But so far Congress has been steamrolled by special interests. Congressional leaders add giveaways in their bills to attract industry support and specific votes. The best of the lot, the Cantwell-Collins bill, returns 75 percent of the revenue to the public. But it is still a cap-and-trade scheme, and its low carbon price and offset-type projects create little incentive for clean energy and would have only small impact on carbon emissions.

Can the cacophony of special interests be overcome? There is one way: the president must get involved. He must explain the situation to the public and use his bully pulpit to persuade Congress to do what is right for the nation and future generations.

He must explain that a rising carbon price is needed to phase out our fossil fuel addiction. The dividend will provide the public the means to move to a clean energy future, stimulating the economy.

Carbon fee and dividend is the base policy needed to move the nation forward to a clean energy future. It must be supplemented by other actions including building and efficiency standards, and public investment in improved infrastructure and technology development.

Congress has a role to play toward these ends, but it is the rising carbon price will make them feasible. Investment decisions are best left to the private sector. The government can provide loan guarantees for nuclear power and support development of trial carbon capture storage, but these energies must compete with energy efficiency and renewable energies in a free market.”

Again, Hansen thinks Obama can sell an anti-fossil-fuel policy without buying off the affected industries. Lots of luck!

More importantly, he neglects to consider the economic impacts of a policy designed to kill coal-electric generation. Within 20 years, Hansen’s policy would raise the price of carbon to $215 per ton of CO2. Coal would cease to be an economic electricity fuel long before then, yet half our current electric supply and more than half of our base-load power come from coal. The premature death of coal-based power would jeopardize electric supply reliability and drive electricity rates through the roof. That in turn would have devastating effects on jobs and growth. Like socialists of old, Hansen seems to think it’s possible to redistribute wealth without affecting the size of the pie. When the pie shrinks, people will turn against “carbon fee and dividend” even if it’s not enriching Wall Street brokers.

“The best part about a simple honest rising carbon price is that it provides the only realistic chance for an international climate accord. President Obama was right to abandon the 192-nation debate. The need is for an agreement between the two dominant emitters: the United States and China.

China will never agree to the “cap” approach that Congress favors. Developing nations will not cap their economies. But China is willing to negotiate a carbon price. How can I say that with confidence?

China is making enormous investments in nuclear power, wind power, and solar power. They want to avoid the fossil fuel addiction of the United States. They want to clean up their atmosphere and water. They want to protect the several hundred million Chinese living near sea level. They know that their clean fuels will win out only if fossil fuels are made to pay for damages that they cause.

Once the United States and China agree on a carbon price, most other nations will accept the same. Products made by nations that do not have a carbon price can be charged an equivalent duty under existing rules of the World Trade Organization. That will convince most nations to join, so they can collect the tax themselves.”

This makes no sense. China rejects a carbon cap primarily because its manufacturers do not want to lose the competitive advantage they derive from low-cost coal-based power. A carbon tax would increase Chinese energy prices every bit as much as a comparable carbon cap. China gets 79% of its electricity from coal, compared to only 50% in the United States. Consequently, a carbon tax would  likely have even bigger adverse impacts on GDP in China than it would on U.S. GDP, even if Chinese consumption of coal for electric generation were not projected to double by 2030. Moreover, a carbon tax would discourage energy-intensive Western firms from investing in China to avoid the constraints of Kyoto-style climate policies (the so-called carbon leakage problem).

Perhaps posterity may remember that Obama reduced the number of nuclear-tipped missiles, or that he added ten percent of Americans to the health care roles. But if he dreams of being a great president, he needs to take on the great moral challenge of our century.

Dream on!


  1. Tom Tanton  

    I find it almost funny that the cap-and-dividend idea has any legs. If you raise the price to reduce the demand, but then “eliminate” the price signal by sending out rebates, will aggregate demand even change? Inflation yes, demand not so much. How does this improve productivity? (hint, it won’t) Since it doesn’t, won’t such a system just lead to stagflation?


  2. Klaus J Christoph  

    It never fails to amaze me that anyone takes Hanson seriously. Again, another good response, Marlo.


  3. Andrew  

    Hansen is revealing himself to be not merely a Liberal Democrat, but Climate Socialist. He is openly talking about redistribution of wealth! I mean, come on! What a wacko.


  4. Chris  

    This policy will be dead as a doornail come November when the dems lose 80 seats.


  5. Professor Terry J. Lovell, Ph.D.  

    Mr. Hansen has no more right to restrict my carbon consumption, than I do to force him to take my hobby of woodworking. If Mr. Hansen wants to voluntarily restrict his own consumption of carbon he has every right to do so. He and Mr. Gore may quit jetting around the globe warning the world of the dangers of C02 anytime they want. They may not tell me what to do with my freedom or my money. Whenever I see meddling do-gooders like Gore & Hansen, I am reminded that Milton Freidman correctly observed: “Hell Hath No Fury like a bureaucrat scorned.”
    The U.S. Federal government does not have the Constitutional authority to restrict my freedom to carbon consumption (as the Declaration of Independence [our mission stetement] promises me: life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). The Founding Fathers specifically rejected a technocracy, and even if Mr. Hansen’s bizarre theories were proven to be true (which under the rules of empirical observation, statistics and science-they cannot be) the individual claim I have to my God-granted liberty is greater and of a much more substantial moral importance and quality.
    That any second year, moderately-competent statistics student can easily list a hundred reasons that PCA models like the GCM’s employed by the Anthropogenic Global Warming alarmists are not to be trusted is secondary to the fact that the IPCC in its own Third Assessment Report (page 774) states:
    “In climate research and modeling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
    Words have meaning. When the IPCC states in their own report that: “the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.” The conversation is over and so should any attempt to deny me my liberties by the irrational and doomed attempt to change future climate states by the illegal and unscientific efforts to regulate or restrict C02. C02 is plant food, not a pollutant, and any freshman Biology student should be able to demonstrate that fact. It is a measure of how miserably science education is failing in America that anyone could/would take the allegation that a trace gas like C02 as a life-ending threat.
    Dr. Phil Jones, the disgraced former head of the Hadley Climate Research Unit (ground zero for Climategate) admitted in a recent BBC interview that:
    Neither the rate nor magnitude of recent warming is exceptional.
    There was no significant warming from 1998-2009. According to the IPCC we should have seen a global temperature increase of at least 0.2°C per decade.
    The IPCC models may have overestimated the climate sensitivity for greenhouse gases, underestimated natural variability, or both.
    This also suggests that there is a systematic upward bias in the impacts estimates based on these models just from this factor alone.
    The logic behind attribution of current warming to well-mixed man-made greenhouse gases is faulty.
    The science is not settled, however unsettling that might be.
    There is a tendency in the IPCC reports to leave out inconvenient findings, especially in the part(s) most likely to be read by policy makers.
    The revelations of Dr. Jones remind me of the words of H.L. Menken said the “Road to Hell is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS!” I am not afraid of C02 (our atmosphere is 2% C02 and of that 2% is human-caused or .02 x.02 = .004 of the atmosphere is C02 or inversely 99.96% of the atmosphere is not C02). There is nothing unusual or dangerous about the current level of C02, it has been much higher for most of the history of the Earth, 470% higher in the Jurassic period and 1800% higher in the Cambrian, to name just two examples.
    This entire Cap and Tax strategy is one more example of the “watermelon” left, GREEN on the outside and RED on the inside. An unending series of thefts of my constitution rights to be left the Hell alone! The perversion of the precautionary rule (a social policy suggestion-not a legal or scientific rule) for the violation and removal of my private liberty and property rights is specifically forbidden by the Constitution.
    It is well past time to put an end to this nonsense. I would recommend the following resources to anyone who would like more information on this subject:
    Joe Bastardi debunks AGW:

    Also you may wish to hear the Alfred Sloan Endowed Chair of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Richard Lindzen Deconstruct AGW at:

    In the meantime I just want to exercise my God-given Constitutional right to be left alone.


  6. Charles  

    Hansen is unhinged, and this is truly shown by his association with Galileo. What the deluded Hansen misses is that it is not he who is like Galileo, it is that he is like the ‘scientific’ authority that forced Galileo to recant.

    When someone misses the point by that big a margin, then you know they have no credibility on this issue


  7. kramer  

    Hansen wrote:
    “The rising carbon price will affect almost everything. People’s purchases will reflect a desire to minimize their costs.”


    “Most everything will get much more expensive. People won’t be able to afford many of the things they buy today.”

    And given that consumption is 70% of our economy, the higher costs of “almost everything” means higher unemployment. I guess democrats are looking at globalisation (more of our jobs being transferred overseas) and migration (amnesty for up to 30 million people and quite possible their extended family members) as well as millions of legal immigrants to grow our economy…

    What I see is a formula for a serious reduction in the economic might of the US, something I’m sure most rabid leftists would love to see happen.


  8. Eric  

    “Gorethodoxy”, that’s great! Marlo, mind if I use that?


  9. Stephen Cane  

    Beware of leftists coming to you in lab coats. Hansen is not a liberal Democrat (sans 1970), he is a leftist radical. He is part of the new Democrat movement, a wing, for all practical purposes, of CPUSA. For all the focus Hansen has placed on the future, his wager is a losing wager. History will show him to be a fraud if not a knave.


  10. Frank  

    Although greenhouse gas emissions will certainly warm the earth in the 21st century, it isn’t clear today whether the impact of warming will be modest or devastating.

    ASSUMING restrictions on carbon emissions are needed (or are going to be legislated), I would be interested reading an analysis from MasterResource of the relative merits of Cap&Trade and Tax&Dividend. Tax& Dividend seems to avoid many of the weaknesses of Cap&Trade including:

    – lack of transparency in costs to citizens,
    – political favoritism in distribution of emission permits,
    – profiteering in markets for emission permits,
    – top-down control,
    – no reduction in CO2 emissions in Europe, etc.

    There is no doubt that Tax&Dividend would be re-distributive, but this is not innately wrong if a policy is economically sensible. (A free-trade, for example, re-distributes wealth in the US in the opposite direction while providing cheaper goods for everyone.) Re-distribution also means that citizens with the economic resources to reduce their carbon footprint will often be those with the greatest tax incentive to do so. In the interest of preserving domestic jobs and increasing foreign carbon emissions, a system for refunding the carbon tax on exported goods to exporters and charging a carbon tax on imported goods should be developed. (A flat rate for most goods, documentation for high emission products?) Best of all, instead of having liberal activists and liberal politicians developing policy of disguising emissions taxes and bribing major carbon emitters to support their legislation, every citizen will have a visible stake in carbon emissions policy.


  11. Marlo Lewis  

    To Tom:

    That any government scheme would actually work as Hansen describes — politicians taking your money and not skimming any fat off the cream before handing it back — seems deoubtful to me. But let’s assume Congress enacts the ‘blackboard’ version of Hansen’s proposal. In that case, yes, what the left hand taketh away, the other left hand would restoreth, leaving purchasing power unchanged. Nonetheless, I think fossil energy consumption would decline. People would respond to the price signal created by the tax and shift their purchases to goods and services that are less fossil-intensive. Initially, consumption overall would not decline, only consumption of fossil-intensive products. As I see it, the problem — unaddressed by Hansen — is this. Taxing energy would burden commerce and manufacture, hences income and employment would decline (relative to the baseline), hence consumption would decline, hence production would decline, hence income and employment would decline, in a vicious cycle. Recall that Hansen wants the carbon tax to ratchet up each year.

    To Klaus Christoph:

    Your plucky words twang like music to my ears (for those who may not know, Klaus and I play bluegrass in a band called The Pluckers).

    To Andrew:

    I define socialist rather strictly as one who advocates state ownership of the means of production. I should have said that Hansen reveals himself to be a Man of the Left.

    To Chris:

    I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    To Dr. Lovell:

    My views are similar to some of yours. However, I do not believe it is possible to reject CO2 regulation simply by appealing to inalienable rights. I do not regard CO2 as an air pollutant, much less dangerous air pollutant. But what if it were? In that case, government would be justified in restricting my emissions (my liberty and pursuit of happiness) in order to protect yours.

    To Charles:

    Leftwing elites are in a bit of a bind. It’s politically correct to be the victim, but it is also good to be king. It’s not really possible to be both at the same time!

    To Kramer:

    Thank you for this clear statement of a point I was trying to make.

    To Eric:

    By all means. I also use it in my Youtube video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbmnODQPFcM], How I Was Not Al Gored Into Submission, in the line “So I learned to doubt despite their clout, and offsets don’t mean no regrets, so I blog against Goredoxy every day.”

    To Stephen Crane:

    See my response to Andrew.

    To Frank:

    MasterResource blogger Ken Green and colleagues at the American Enterprise Institute provide an insightful analysis of relative merits in their paper Climate Change: Caps vs. Taxes [http://www.aei.org/outlook/26286].

    Yes, almost any change in public policy will produce winners and losers, so distributional effects per se is not an argument against any particular policy change. My point was different. Hansen argues as if almost anyone can win under tax-and-dividend just by being more frugal about using energy. In fact, some people will be losers, no matter how frugal they are, because their jobs are energy-intensive. Hansen’s policy would punish energy use, even efficient, smart energy use. It would reward others who may be dumb about energy but who just happen to work in non-energy-intensive jobs. If you want to say, tough, life ain’t fair, fine, but Hansen advocates his proposal partly on fairness grounds.

    As to your proposal to refund carbon taxes on exports and impose them on imports, a few questions: (1) What’s to stop other countries from retaliating with tax preferences for their producers? Would this lead to trade wars? (2) Would the proposal be legal under GATT or would it qualify as a trade distorting subsidy? (3) If the prosposal increases foreign CO2 emissions, wouldn’t it defeat the purpose of a carbon tax, which is to contribute to a reduction in global emissions?


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