A Free-Market Energy Blog

Climate Desperadoes: The Real ‘Deniers’ (Part I)

By -- September 23, 2013

“The real climate change ‘deniers’ are the alarmists who deny that natural forces still dominate weather and climate events, and refuse to acknowledge that thousands of scientists do not agree with IPCC proclamations and prescriptions.”

The old saws of climate alarmism getting increasingly desperate and intolerant in the face of contrary theoretical evidence and empirical anomalies.

The ad hominem attacks seem strange. Shouldn’t all good citizens of the earth be buoyed by the fact that yet another Malthusian-like alarm is becoming more and more implausible?

Shrilling, If Not Shilling

Al Gore is in full attack model, employing his “Climate Reality Project” to “Draw the Line on Denial,” even as he laid off 90% of the staff at his “Alliance for Climate Protection.” Greenpeace has joined the fray, launching a “Dealing in Doubt” campaign that blames ExxonMobil for funding the “global warming denial machine.”

ClimateProgress.org blogger Joe Romm faithfully echoes Greenpeace hysterics and blame-casting, even though the climate cataclysm cabal outspends the “deniers” by at least $1,000 to $1, and ExxonMobil hasn’t supported ‘skeptic’ groups for years.

President Obama continues to blame CO2-driven climate warming for tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires and droughts that are at the same level as (or lower than) they have been for many decades. His State Department is orchestrating climate treaties with island nations that contribute perhaps 0.1% of global carbon dioxide emissions – but the treaties could obligate the United States to severe and costly CO2 emission reductions that will drive up energy costs and strangle job creation and economic growth.

His Environmental Protection Agency is already doing exactly that. Rules proposed on September 20 would require all new coal-fired power plants to slash carbon dioxide emissions to 1,100 pounds per megawatt hour, some 700 pounds below what advanced modern units do today. The only way to do that is with expensive experimental technology that captures CO2 – and then figure out where to bury it.

Not to be outdone, some in Congress still want “carbon taxes” that the Energy Information Administration says will slash the average American family’s income by some $1,500 per year, on top of the $2,200 per year that the Washington Post says they’ve lost in buying power since 2008.

Wakan Tanka Propaganda

To help promote this agenda, a Canadian producer has recruited arch-environmentalist David Suzuki, “coal trains of death” climate catastrophist James Hansen, and former Haida Nation Council President Miles Richardson to present “the wisdom of our elders” on “the global climate crisis.” Her film’s title, “Wakan Tanka,” means “great spirit” or “great mystery” in Lakota, the language of Dakota (Sioux) Indians. Further fanning the flames, a ClimateWire story absurdly claims that “a warming climate has allowed blood-borne tropical diseases to flourish where once they were unheard of” – in European countries where malaria was endemic for centuries and was not wiped out until the early 1970s.

A more accurate description of Climate Armageddon is another Lakota phrase, tatonka chesli, meaning “big bull excrement.” Indeed, Australia’s newly elected Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, has said claims that humans are causing dangerous climate change are “complete crap.”

Mr. Abbot intends to scrap his country’s carbon dioxide cap-tax-and-trade law. EU industry leaders worry that Europe’s climate change and “green” energy policies are threatening “a systemic industrial massacre,” as soaring electricity and natural gas prices make companies less and less competitive in international markets. They want those policies changed and hydraulic fracturing to move forward. China, India and other major CO2 emitters absolutely refuse to set binding targets for reducing those emissions.

Who are the ‘Deniers’ Now?

We “skeptics” and “deniers” have never questioned the reality of climate change. We know global warming, global cooling and climate change are “real,” and have been throughout Earth’s history. What we deny are assertions that human CO2 emissions have replaced the complex solar, planetary and cosmic forces that caused previous changes, and that what we are experiencing now is unprecedented and likely to be catastrophic. What we insist on is solid evidence that alarmist claims have merit.

We believe in the scientific method. Hypotheses, assertions, models, and scary scenarios must be supported by actual evidence before citizen voters can be expected to turn to government to hogtie energy systems and lower their living standards. Up to now they have presented no such evidence.

The real climate change ‘deniers’ are the alarmists who deny that natural forces still dominate weather and climate events, and refuse to acknowledge that thousands of scientists do not agree with IPCC proclamations and prescriptions. 31,500 American scientists have signed the Oregon Petition dismissing fears of “catastrophic” global warming and climate disruption; over 1,000 international scientists dissent from manmade global warming claims. Claims of a “97% consensus” with the IPCC are pure baloney.


Part II tomorrow will overview the just-released Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science, which makes a compelling case against IPCC-blessed hypotheses, models, and scares have no basis in reality.


  1. Master Resource: Climate Desperadoes – The Real ‘Deniers’ (part 1) | Quixotes Last Stand  

    […] reductions that will drive up energy costs and strangle job creation and economic growth.  Read full article, here…. Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintLike this:Like […]


  2. buck smith  

    The magnitude of CO2-driven forcing is no match for other forcings that have repeatedly driven earth into Ice Ages over millions of years.


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