Search Results for: "Trump Speeches, energy"
Relevance | DateAEA: Kamala Harris on Energy
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- July 26, 2024 3 CommentsThis candidate profile was just released by the American Energy Alliance, the advocacy arm of the Institute for Energy Research (IER).
“Kamala Harris has a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to purchase.”
President Biden ended his reelection campaign on Sunday, July 21, under mounting pressure from Democrats following his poorly received debate performance. By endorsing Harris, he has positioned her as the frontrunner to succeed him. However, there is still some degree of uncertainty looming as Democrats hurriedly work to assemble a new 2024 ticket before the party’s convention on August 19-22 in Chicago.
Harris’ stance on energy, both during her tenure as a senator and as a candidate in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, was to the left of Biden’s, leaning more towards far-left positions that favor government control and political direction of energy production. …
Continue ReadingClimate Policy: A Hard Sell (E&E News)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- November 8, 2022 2 Comments“President Joe Biden’s closing argument before the midterm elections presents contradictory promises of driving down carbon emissions while increasing the supply of fossil fuels.”
“Biden hasn’t been invited to spread the message of his climate victory in swing states, even though people are already voting early or by mail.”
– E&E News (October 24, 2022)
From time to time MasterResource amplifies E&E News articles that call a spade a spade. A bit of realism in a sea of hyperbole about all things climate and energy is worth commemorating.
Scott Waldman’s “Biden Struggles to Sell Climate Win in Final Midterm Stretch” (October 24, 2022) exposes the contradictory themes of lowering oil prices and addressing climate concerns. The article shows a picture of Joe Biden (teleprompter hidden) speaking at the East Portland Community Center in Portland, Oregon, surely friendly ground.…
Continue ReadingVaclav Smil: Antidote to Magical Thinking
By Richard W. Fulmer -- May 12, 2022 2 Comments“What’s the point of setting goals which cannot be achieved? People call it aspirational. I call it delusional.” (V. Smil, below)
In an article filed under “climate crimes,” The Guardian claims that environmental nirvana is reachable if only politicians stop listening to Big Oil and start listening to social scientists. Author Amy Westervelt argues that the technology needed to achieve “net zero” carbon emissions is at hand; we just lack the will and the laws to implement it. She quotes from a recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):
… Continue ReadingFactors limiting ambitious transformation [to address climate change] include structural barriers, an incremental rather than systemic approach, lack of coordination, inertia, lock-in to infrastructure and assets, and lock-in as a consequence of vested interests, regulatory inertia, and lack of technological capabilities and human resources.
Biden’s “Existential Threat” Climate Speech (January 27, 2021)
By Robert Bradley Jr. -- March 19, 2021 2 CommentsMasterResource memorialized many of President Trump’s energy and climate speeches. Similarly, we will document major addresses by President Biden on the same subject. The policy activism outlined in Biden’s address below rivals that of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter in the annals of “crisis” legislating.
“Today is ‘Climate Day’ at the White House and — which means that today is ‘Jobs Day’ at the White House. We’re talking about American innovation … the health of our families and cleaner water, cleaner air, and cleaner communities … national security and America leading the world in a clean energy future.”
“The first [executive] order I’m signing is tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad.”
– “Remarks by President Biden Before Signing Executive Actions on Tackling Climate Change, Creating Jobs, and Restoring Scientific Integrity” (January 27, 2021)
Good afternoon, everybody. …
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