Alaska Energy Policy: An Exchange (RPS in the balance)

By -- September 26, 2024 2 Comments

“There is no management-of-change transition plan that shows how we can effectively move from one energy source to another responsibly. Is it green? Is it ethical? What is the risk? What is the benefit?  What is the cost? What are the metrics of success? Is it even achievable? Will forcing Alaskans to pay the price for all of this have any [climate] effect whatsoever?”

Ky Holland is running for Alaska State House in District 9, Anchorage (South Anchorage), Girdwood, Whittier.  Running as an Independent, he supports a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS). With RPS legislation imminent in the upcoming session, I wanted to know where Holland stood on this bill of goods specifically.

Be warned: the green lobby is working overtime to mandate unreliable and expensive sources of energy on Alaskans. While Ky’s opponent, Republican Lucy Bauer, has stated she will oppose an RPS “as it is currently being proposed,” my exchange with Holland unmasks why he believes mandates are needed.…

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Alaska Energy Future Needs Informed Voters (gas, hydro under political assault)

By -- May 8, 2024 1 Comment

“We do not have a gas shortage problem; we have a gas contract renewal ‘problem’ that the incumbents on the board refuse to address.”

“How can a board member do both: support green unreliable energy and meet their fiduciary responsibilities of lowest cost, highest reliability, best service, and safety?”

Chugach Electric Association members face politicized, expensive, and unreliable power options that are certainly not the fault of rich, local resources that have proven their worth for many decades. Only inaction in the face of nefarious “green” can make it happen. Will Chugach members wake up to what economists call the concentrated benefit/diffuse cost problem?

Radical green politicization of electric co-op boards has been a long time in the making, specifically for the 90,000 members of Anchorage-area Chugach Electric Association (CEA).…

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Arctic Grift: Alaska Energy Policy Goes Biden

By -- October 30, 2023 No Comments

“Why is a conservative pro-development governor pushing for policies that are counterproductive to natural resource development?”

“The Alaska Energy Security Task Force report does not mention maximizing the use of the abundant energy sources we have in our state today, such as coal, in-state refining, or the incentivization of production in the Cook Inlet where, according to the USGS, we are not in a natural gas shortage situation.”

Alaska grift is reaching new levels to comport with the Inflation Reduction Act (aka Green New Deal). Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, all-in with Green Globalism, has appointed a energy security task force of cronies who lack real experience in or affinity with the state’s oil and gas sector. Instead of inciting investment in Alaska’s prolific resource base, Biden’s obstruction and subsidy bribery will risk making the state a federal enclave, with its top import being federal dollars.…

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Alaska Energy vs. Woke Government

By -- September 26, 2023 5 Comments

“The actions of Alaska policy makers, led by the governor, are eradicating the free-market principles in our state. A media blackout on the problem has left only citizen-led initiatives driving the train to truth. We the People Alaska publishes an eye-opening substack on many of these topics.”

Alaska’s economy runs on oil and gas. Additionally, oil revenues have accounted for up to 90% of our General Fund revenue. Amid its resource abundance, however, Alaska has a big and growing governmental problem—mostly in Washington, D.C., and increasingly, in local governments trying to appease their federal masters.

Alaska has been in a production decline trend since 1988 when the state accounted for 25 percent of U.S. domestic production. Presently, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) is running at a quarter of its capacity (485K barrels per day).…

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Alaska Energy: The Battle Continues (but we cannot grow weary)

By Dave Harbour -- July 11, 2011 5 Comments Continue Reading

Sarah Palin’s Alaska Energy Plan: Please Forget It

By Jerry Taylor -- July 6, 2009 2 Comments Continue Reading

Risking Alaska’s Energy Exceptionalism (RPS looming)

By -- October 15, 2024 No Comments Continue Reading

Alaska’s Bad Energy Bill of the Week – Carbon Storage (HB 50/SB 49)

By -- April 16, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading

Alaska Bad Bill 1: Clean Energy Standards (HB 368)

By -- April 3, 2024 1 Comment Continue Reading

Alaska’s “Green” Plan B: Political Energy is Back

By -- March 5, 2024 2 Comments Continue Reading